Why are shares missing from my portfolio or statement?

If you notice that shares are missing or not available on your portfolio, there could be a few different reasons why.

  • Have the shares recently been transferred out of the account?
  • Have the shares gone through a consolidation?
  • Do you currently have a sell order in the market for the shares in question?
  • Have you recently accepted a buyback or takeover for the shares?
  • Are your shares CHESS sponsored or issuer sponsored?

Have the shares recently been transferred out of the account?

Transfers can include:

  • Transferring from CommSec to another broker (“Broker to Broker” transfer)
  • Transferring from CommSec to the share registry (“Broker to Issuer” transfer)
  • Transferring from one party to another (“Off Market transfer”)
  • Transferring to a Margin Loan account
  • Transferring to an Options account

Have the shares gone through a consolidation?

A consolidation is where a company's shares are combined into a smaller number of shares. This results in a reduction in the number of units you hold, but your portfolio value generally stays the same at the time of the consolidation. Please check the company's announcements for more information.

Do you currently have a sell order in the market for the shares in question?

If you are CHESS sponsored and you enter a sell order into the market, your available unit balance will be reduced by the number of shares you ordered to sell. We do this to show the number of remaining available units you have left to trade. If you cancel the sell order or it expires, the units will be returned to your available unit balance.

If you buy a stock and then place a sell order for it before settlement (two business days after purchase), the units won’t appear in your portfolio because they’re technically in market. If you cancel the sell order before it executes, the units will reappear in your portfolio.

Have you recently accepted a buyback or takeover for the shares?

If you have elected to participate in a buyback or takeover, the shares will be moved to “reserved” on your holding summary.

Are your shares CHESS sponsored or issuer sponsored?

If your CommSec account is not CHESS sponsored, any shares you buy will be issuer sponsored, meaning they’re held with the company’s share registry. (If your account is CHESS sponsored, you’ll see a HIN number displayed above your portfolio holdings.)

Issuer sponsored shares won’t be shown in your CommSec portfolio unless you add them manually by doing the following:

  1. Log in to your account and go to Portfolio
  2. Select Accounts and use the dropdown to select the relevant account
  3. Click on “Add issuer sponsored holdings” and enter the details of your holding

If you want to transfer issuer sponsored shares from the share registry to your CommSec account so that you can manage and trade them using CommSec as your broker, you can find for more information under Related Support.

Why are some holdings not showing on my Portfolio Valuation statement?

The Portfolio Valuation statement only captures CommSec CHESS sponsored holdings as at 30 June (including units from any unsettled trades that were executed before or on 30 June). If you have issuer sponsored shares or holdings with another broker, they will not be included in this statement.

For more info, please call us on 13 15 19 (or +61 2 9115 1417 if calling from overseas) between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday, Sydney time.

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© Commonwealth Securities Limited ABN 60 067 254 399 AFSL 238814 (CommSec) is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945. CommSec is a Market Participant of ASX Limited and Cboe Australia Pty Limited, a Clearing Participant of ASX Clear Pty Limited and a Settlement Participant of ASX Settlement Pty Limited.

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